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Creative Crush

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What is Your Style?

You don’t have to be an artist to be creative.

I was never one who wanted to work at a job that I didn’t like for the rest of my life. I always wanted to pursue every passion of mine, exploring and loving each one equally. For as long as I can remember, I always looked up to Leonardo da Vinci, the Renaissance man himself, and always marveled at his style, paintings, inventions, sketches, and more. But what inspired me most was that he pursued his many Read more

What am I doing?

I asked myself this question while volunteering my time.

Developing a logo that can embrace the depth of what Mercy House Kenya, a maternity home in Kenya Africa exists for, was a humbling experience for us. Behind the design of the logo is a much deeper story. A story of a place that offers an enriching family atmosphere to girls that are at-risk, abused or orphaned. Working on a couple projects with Kristen (founder of Mercy House Kenya) made me ask myself, what am I doing, what is our Read more

What’s your “woo woo” moment?

Hopefully, it doesn’t include creating an “ethnically ambiguous woo woo mascot”

I’m sure as designers, marketers, creative strategists, small studios and large firms, we have all experienced a “woo woo” moment. It’s not so much that we sometimes miss the mark understanding our customers’ customer, as it is our reactions when we think we are right and totally miss the barn. A woo woo moment just happened. There are plenty of companies that provide all kinds of analytics, how to’s, white papers on pretty much any demographic, workshops and boot camps, not to mention experts on experts. Adobe for sure has amazing solutions. These are good to have and understand, but can they help you avoid another woo woo?

It really comes down to Read more

Adult attention span 8 seconds < Goldfish attention span 9 seconds

It is a scientific fact that the brain processes images 60% faster than text, and primitive responses take 3 seconds to generate

What does this mean for Marketing Communications? Your response as a marketing team is to make sure consumers have an instant response to what they see on your website, weekly email, or ad. Here’s some tips:  Read more

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